You have to know a few easy steps.
The first step is click the 2 ads (i posted a pic with those 2 sponsored links).
This is step 1 and the easyest one. Once you clicked those 2 sponsored links keep them for 1 minute or 2 then you can close the pages.
For the next step just visit the sites Blog or dashboard, links,events or whatever interests you.
You can also watch tv online or play games and for all you will get paid .
The second step is joining the chat where you can talk with everybody and also earn more money. So the more you are active the more money you make, even as a free user you can make a few good $ in one month, but if you upgrade well more money for you.
Hope to see you all in MatesGate cheers.
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Schimb de inscrieri? pentru matesgate s-au altceva?
Am nevoie de inscrieri pe mybrowsercash (merita)
unde stau cam asa
Total Earnings To Date: $ 5.4928 USD
Amount Paid To Date: $ 0 USD
citeste de pe link-ul meu de ref detaliile
(este chiar ok plugin-ul nu deranjeaza prea mult .. cashout la ~20$ )
Eu ma dau mai mult pe schimb de trafic vezi
Cu stima
Gabor Kalman
Salut man sincer nu stiu ce sa iti zic nu prea am rabdare sa astept luni pt 20$ si cand ajung la ei sa nu mi dea eu am pus site-ul asta caci faci bani din chat si multe chesti daca vrei putem discuta si acolo poate facem un schimb de link-uri sau ceva.